Home » Creating Receipt Voucher in Tally

Creating Receipt Voucher in Tally

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Creating Receipt Voucher in Tally

Use the following steps to create a receipt voucher in Tally.

Screen Ledger Creation
Path Gateway of Tally → Account Info Ledgers → Ledger Creation
Step 1:
To apply the entry on receipt, there should be a bank account in which money is received. Thus we will create a bank ledger. Under the group named ‘bank accounts’, specify the name to the ledger and classify it.
Screen Gateway of Tally
Path Tally Main → Gateway of Tally
Step 2:
To specify the voucher creation screen, select the menu option ‘Accounting Vouchers’.
Screen Accounting Voucher Creation
Path Gateway of Tally → Accounting Voucher Creation
Step 3:
Button ‘Receipt’: Click on the ‘Receipt’ button or press ‘F6’, if Tally ERP is not already in ‘Receipt Voucher’ mode.
Step 4:
Tally ERP is in ‘Receipt Voucher’ mode after clicking the ‘Receipt’ button.
Step 5:
Field ‘Account’: Choose the relevant bank account name in which money is received.
Step 6:
Field ‘Particulars’: Choose the customer name from whom money is being received. Tally displays the current amount.
Step 7:
Field ‘Amount’: Under the customer, specify the received amount.
Screen Bill-wise Details
Path Gateway of Tally → Accounting Voucher → Creation Bill-wise Details
Step 8:
Field → ‘Type of Ref’: Since ‘maintain balances bill-by-bill’ has been enabled for this customer, Tally asks for a reference like an existing invoice/ another document against which receipt is to be booked. This amount is received for an existing invoice, select the option ‘Agst Ref’.
Step 9:
Field → ‘Name’: In the previous step, we selected ‘Agst Ref’. The tally shows an open documents list against which receipt can be applied.
Step 10:
Field → ‘Amount’: Tally automatically prompts the amount.
Step 11:
Field → ‘Dr/ Cr’: Tally prompts the default accounting treatment.
Screen Accounting Voucher Creation
Path Gateway of Tally → Accounting Voucher Creation
Step 12:
Field → ‘Particulars’: If we want to record receipt from many customers in one receipt voucher, specify the name of another customer. Note that only one voucher will be used to record receipts from one customer.
Screen Bank Allocations
Path Gateway of Tally → Accounting Voucher Creation → Bank Allocations
Step 13:
Field → ‘Transaction Type’: Here, choose the mode of payment.
Field → ‘Inst. No.’: Here, specify the instrument number like cheque number
Field → ‘Inst. Date’: Specify the date which is mention on the payment instrument.
Field → ‘Bank’: Specify the name of the payer’s bank.
Field → ‘Branch’: Specify the name of the player’s bank branch.
Screen Accounting Voucher Creation
Path Gateway of Tally → Accounting Voucher Creation
Step 14:
Field → ‘Narration’: Specify a narration, if we needed.
‘Accept’ or ‘Reject’ the entered data in the voucher so far. If the entered data is ‘rejected’, the voucher will not be saved, and all entered data so far will be lost.
Screen Gateway of Tally
Path Gateway of Tally → Display Menu Accounts Books
Step 15:
To select the relevant ledger, select the menu item ‘Ledger’. Using this, we can see the impact of the voucher entry on the relevant ledger accounts.
Screen Gateway of Tally
Path Gateway of Tally → Display Menu Accounts Books Select Item
Step 16:
To see the impact of the receipt voucher, select the relevant ledger. In this case, first, we select the ledger of the customer.
Screen Ledger Vouchers
Path Gateway of Tally → Display Menu Accounts Books Ledger Vouchers
Step 17:
Now, the ledger of the customer also shows the credit entry. This can reduce the balance in the ledger to nil.

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