Photo Browser Parameter
Framework7 provides a lot of parameters, which can be used with photo browser.
Index | Parameter | Type | Description |
1) | photos | array | It is an array with URLs of images or an array of objects with URL and caption properties. |
2) | initialSlide | number | It is an initial slide’s index number. |
3) | spaceBetween | number | It represents the distance between photo slides in pixels. |
4) | speed | number | It represents the time duration of transition between photo slides. |
5) | zoom | boolean | It is used to enable/disable ability to zoom and pan photos. |
6) | maxZoom | number | It is the maximum zoom ratio. |
7) | minZoom | number | It is the minimum zoom ratio. |
8) | exposition | boolean | It enables/disables the exposition mode when clicking on photo browser. |
9) | expositionHideCaptions | boolean | If this is set to true then captions in exposition mode is hidden. |
10) | swipeToClose | boolean | If this is enabled, you can close the photo browser with swipe up/down. |
11) | view | View instance | It is the link to initialized view instance. |
12) | type | string | It defines how the photo browser should be opened. |
13) | loop | boolean | When set to true, it enables continuous loop mode. |
14) | theme | string | The photo browser color theme can be light or dark. |
15) | captionsTheme | string | It can be of two color dark or light. |
16) | navbar | boolean | It is set to false to remove the photo browser’s navbar. |
17) | toolbar | boolean | It is set to false to remove the photo browser?s toolbar. |
18) | backLinkText | string | It is the text on the link at the back in navbar. |
19) | ofText | string | It is the text of in photos counter. For eg 3 of 5. |
Lazy Loading
Index | Parameter | Type | Description |
1) | lazyLoading | boolean | It is set to true to enable lazy loading of images. |
2) | lazyLoadingInPrevNext | boolean | It is set to true to enable lazy loading for the closest photos. |
3) | lazyLoadingOnTransitionStart | boolean | After the transition to photo, the photo browser will load lazy photos by default. If you enable this parameter, you can load new photo in the beginning of transition. |
Index | Parameter | Type | Description |
1) | navbartemplate | string | It is the navbar html template. |
2) | toolbartemplate | string | It is the toolbar html template. |
3) | phototemplate | string | It is the single photo element html template. |
4) | lazyphototemplate | string | It is the single lazy loading photo element html template. |
5) | objecttemplate | string | It is the single object element html template. |
6) | captiontemplate | string | It is the single caption element html template. |
Index | Parameter | Type | Description |
1) | onOpen(photobrowser) | function | It is the callback function, which will be executed when photo browser is opened. |
2) | onClose(photobrowser) | function | It is the callback function, which will be executed when user closes the photo browser. |
3) | onSwipeToClose(photobrowser) | function | It is the callback function, which will be executed when user closes the photo browser by swiping up or down. |
Swiper Callbacks
Index | Parameter | Type | Description |
1) | onSlideChangeStart(swiper) | function | This callback function will be executed in the beginning of animation to other slide. It takes swiper instance as an argument. |
2) | onSlideChangeEnd(swiper) | function | This callback function will be executed after animation to other slide. It takes swiper instance as an argument. |
3) | onTransitionStart(swiper) | function | This callback function will be executed at the beginning of transition. It takes swiper instance as an argument. |
4) | onTransitionEnd(swiper) | function | This callback function will be executed after the transition. It takes swiper instance as an argument. |
5) | onClick(swiper,event) | function | This callback function will run when the user clicks on slider after 300ms delay. It accepts swiper instance and event as an parameter. |
6) | onDoubleTap(swiper, event) | function | This callback function will run when the user double clicks on slider container. |
7) | onLazyImageLoad(swiper, slide, image) | function | This callback function will be executed when lazy load begins loading photo. |
8) | onLazyImageReady(swiper, slide, image) | function | This function will be executed after lazy loading photo will be loaded. |
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