How to create a Twitter Account
Twitter is one of the most popular social networking sites as it has a huge user base. You can use this social platform to share your ideas, send messages and promote your brand, business and more. You can open a Twitter account as a person, company, building, etc. It does not differentiate between a human, company, robot, etc. Let us see how we can create a Twitter Account.
The steps to create a Twitter account:
Go to and click on “Sign up” as shown in the image given button. Log in ‘option’ is for the existing Twitter users.
In the next step, you are required to fill the required details, e.g. name, email, or phone number. See the image given below: Twitter uses your name as your username if it is available. It also allows you to change it later without any problem. In the next step, you are required to fill the required details, e.g. name, email, or phone number. See the image given below: Twitter uses your name as your username if it is available. It also allows you to change it later without any problem.
Choosing a username is an important part while creating a Twitter account. It is the name that your followers use while sending replies, direct messages, etc. It also forms the URL of your Twitter profile page. So, it should be relevant and appealing. So, take your time and choose the best name that clearly represents your website, company, brand, business, product, etc. Click on the Sign up after you fill in the boxes.
In the next step, you need to enter the verification code sent to your email id to verify your email. One email address can be used for one Twitter account at a time, and it is not publicly visible to others on Twitter.
You can also use your phone number instead of email to sign up. In this case, you have to enter the code that you receive on your phone to verify your phone number, or you can request a voice call for the same. Your phone number does not appear unless it is added to your biography. Twitter uses your phone number to verify your identity and make sure you are not a robot. After verification, click on the “Next” button.
In the next step, you have to choose a password as shown in the image given below. To make your account more secure, you should use letters and numbers in your password and also don’t use your other social network’s passwords. After choosing password, click on the “Next” button.
In the next step, it asks you to add a profile picture. Add a profile picture to help people to recognize you. You can click “Skip for now” if you don’t want to add it now. Although it is not mandatory to add your profile picture, you should add a profile picture to make a good impression for your business.
In the next step, you are required to describe yourself. If you don’t want to provide information, click on the “Skip for now” button.
In the next step, it will ask you to upload contacts to find your friends and see whom they follow. Click “not now” if you don’t want to upload now.
In the next step, there will be a list of categories. Each category has a few options out of which you can select a few based on your interests and purpose of creating this account. You can also enter the words in the search bar to find your interests. It helps you personalize your Twitter experience. For example, you can follow the people related to your interests and get suggestions from Twitter related to your interests. Now, move to the next step:
In the next step, Twitter suggests you some account to follow. You can follow those users that can add value to your business. For example, followers of a specific group or category such as Music and Movies, Politics and Government, Science and Technology, Health and Fitness, etc.
Now your account is created, but it is like a blank canvas until you add information to personalize and make it more attractive. Click on your profile picture and complete your profile and fill the required details about your brand, product, business and more.