Home » How to Install Chrome in Ubuntu

How to Install Chrome in Ubuntu

by Online Tutorials Library

How to Install Chrome on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS?


Chrome is a web browser, which is designed and developed by Google. It is cross-platform and written in C++ programming language.

Google released its first version in 2008 and now it is most widely used web browser.

In this tutorial, we will install it on Ubuntu. The installation process contains the following steps.

Chrome Installation

1) Download the Archive

Visit the official site https://www.google.co.in/intl/en/chrome/ to download the Chrome. The official site looks like the below.

Software Chrome 1

Click on Download button, it will open a pop up, where we need to select installation platform. We selected Ubuntu, see the screen-shot.

Software Chrome 2


2) Save The File

Software Chrome 3

3) Enable Universe Repository

Use the following command to enable repository that helps to install stable release of Google Chrome.

4) Run Installer

Our downloaded file is stored in Download folder, use this command to install run the file.

Software Chrome 4

After installing, we can access Chrome from the Application Manager like as we did below.

Software Chrome 5

Well, we have successfully installed Google Chrome in Ubuntu. Now, we can use it to browse INTERNET.

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