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How to Unblock Someone on Facebook

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How to Unblock Someone on Facebook

How to Unblock Someone on Facebook

Social media sites are growing rapidly every month, but everyone knows who is on the top, among other social media platforms. With more than 2.5 billion+ monthly active users, Facebook is still on the top. Facebook has changed the way how people interact with their friends, locally and globally.

One of the best things that Facebook did that is different from many specifications of other social networking platforms in the real world is the concept of “blocking.” In the real world, you can’t block someone and make it impossible for them to see you or follow you or talk to you (through with some users, that sure would be the best feature of Facebook). You can use this feature on an online platform with a single click.

If someone is vulgar and using abusive language or someone you don’t bother to link with, blocking them from your digital life is as easy as having a cup of tea. You can block them through the click of a button. Let’s consider an example, someone might be creeping on your profile or stalking you on Facebook, and you might want to put a stop on that hostile manner.

Sometimes, with growing age, people change. As life goes on, you may find yourself in a situation where someone you block many years ago in your life, blocking someone on Facebook may seem permanent at the moment because of it constructively is-until you decide to go in and unblock these people on the Facebook platform. Blocking someone on Facebook is easy and precise; Unblocking them is a fairly hidden menu that might be difficult to find if you are not aware of Facebook social tools.

If you have recently blocked any friends on the most popular social networking site in the world, it’s time to move on and unblock them and welcome them back with open arms.

Follow the steps given below to know how to unblock someone on Facebook:

On iPhone and Android:

Open Facebook:

Go to your mobile phone application and tap the “Facebook” app, doing so will open your Facebook page says to put your correct login credentials to open your Facebook account. If your Email id and password are saved automatically, it will open your profile and news feed would appear on the profile screen.

How to Unblock Someone on Facebook

Tap the Hamburger icon:

Once you open your profile page, go and tap the “hamburger “icon located in the top right corner of the screen in the Android and bottom right corner on the iPhone.

How to Unblock Someone on Facebook

Tap Settings:

Once you tap on the “hamburger” icon, you will get more options about different settings. From the settings and privacy options, you need to tap “Settings” located in the first place of the menu.

How to Unblock Someone on Facebook

Find the Account Settings:

Once you tap on the “settings” icon, you will get the account settings option. You will need to scroll down and find the privacy option to proceed for the next step.

How to Unblock Someone on Facebook

Tap Blocking:

From the privacy icon, you will get a “blocking” option located near the bottom of the screen and has a humanoid icon with a red caution circle next to it.

How to Unblock Someone on Facebook

Click Unblock to the right corner of the user’s Name:

Tap the unblock option on this page, and you will see a list of people who you have blocked in the past; you can choose to unblock any one of them from your blocking.

How to Unblock Someone on Facebook

Tap Unblock when prompted:

When you unblock anyone from your blocking, click on unblock option, you will see a pop up will appear and says to “Are you sure you want to unblock.” It appears as a blue button located on the left side of the page. Doing so will unblock your selected user.

How to Unblock Someone on Facebook

On Windows:

Go to Facebook’s website:

Tap http://www.Facebook.com/. In your search engine. If you are already logged into Facebook, doing so will open your Facebook page. If you are not logged into Facebook, you have to enter your email Id or phone number in the first tab and Password in the second tab located in the upper right of the page.

How to Unblock Someone on Facebook

Tap the Drop-down menu:

Click on the drop-down menu located at the top right side of the Facebook dashboard; you will get all results related to the list, but you have to look for the “settings” option.

How to Unblock Someone on Facebook

Tap settings:

Once you click on the “dropdown menu,” you will get the “settings” option located near to the bottom of the drop-down menu.

How to Unblock Someone on Facebook

Tap Blocking:

Once you tap on the “settings,” you will get an option “Blocking” Located on the left side of the page.

How to Unblock Someone on Facebook

Click Unblock icon:

Once you tap on the “Unblock” icon, you will see the name of each person you have blocked in the past in the “Block Users” section of this page.

How to Unblock Someone on Facebook

Click Confirm when prompted:

Once you tap on the “Unblock” icon, a pop up will appear and says to you, “Are you sure you want to unblock” If you want to Unblock selected user tap on “confirm” icon.

How to Unblock Someone on Facebook

If you want to Re-block the user, you will have to wait for 48 hours before you can block them again.

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