I’m calling to + (verb): Usage and Examples
I’m looking forward to informs someone you are doing phone call and pass on information.
” I’m calling to remind you that we have to go tomorrow early morning. ”
” I’m calling to answer your question. ”
” I’m calling to say thank you. ”
” I’m calling to say good night. ”
” I’m calling to book an order. ”
” I’m calling to ask a big favour. ”
” I’m calling to book an appointment. ”
” I’m calling to book an order. ”
” I’m calling to tell you about my day. ”
” I’m calling to complain about your son. ”
” I’m calling to know the delivery status. ”
” I’m calling to book an order. ”
” I’m calling to support you. ”
” I’m calling to book two movie tickets. ”
” I’m calling to remind you that we have to play cricket tomorrow. ”
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