Installing RabbitMQ Server
RabbitMQ is widely deployed open-source message broker software that implements Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AQMP). It is lightweight and easy to deploy in the cloud. It supports multiple messaging protocols. It can be deployed in a distributed environment to meet high-scale and high-availability requirements. It is modeled on the AMQP standard. The RabbitMQ is written in the Erlang programming language. It is developed on the Open Telecom Platform (OTP) framework for clustering and failover.
RabbitMQ runs on different operating systems and cloud environments. It provides a large number of platforms like Java, .NET, Python, etc.
Advantagesof RabbitMQ
- Fast performance
- Polyglot (using several languages)
- Easy Management
- No Erlang knowledge needed
- Great documentation
- Where to send messages (Routing)
- How to get there (Delivery)
- What goes in must come out (Fidelity)
Message broker
A message broker sits between the machine and the distributed computing system. Instead of passing the messages directly to the receiver, the messages are first sent to the message broker (RabbitMQ). The message broker orders the messages in an optimized queue and passes them to the receiving machine when the machines are ready to process the messages.
A message might be a command to process an order, run a specified task, a pull request made to a database.
The machine that sends the message is called the producer. The machine that receives the message is called the consumer. The bit in the middle is called thebroker.
Message broker does the following:
- Decouple the message publisher and consumer
- Store the message
- Routing the message
- Monitoring and management of message
- Transform message format between producer and consumer
Erlang is a compiled, fault-tolerant, concurrent, dynamically typed programming language. It is used to build a massively scalable, real-time system with requirements on high availability. It is used in banking, e-commerce, telecom, computer telephony, and instant messaging.
OTP stands for Open Telecom Platform. It is a collection of Erlang libraries and design principles. It provides middleware to develop these systems. It includes its own tools such as distributed database, applications to interface towards other languages, debugging and release handling tools.
How to install RabbitMQ on Windows
Remember: Before installing RabbitMQ, we need to install Erlang.
Step 1: Download and install Erlang from
Step 2: Download and install RabbitMQ from
Step 3: Open the command prompt and run the following commands one by one:
Step 4: Press the Windows key and type services or press Windows key+R and type services.msc.
Step 5: Select the RabbitMQ service->right-click -> Restart.
Step 6: Open the browser and type http://localhost:15672. By default, the management plug-in runs on port 15672.
Step 7: Provide the Username and Password and click on Login button. The default username and password is guest.
The following page shows the RabbitMQ user interface.