Java CharArrayReader Class
The CharArrayReader is composed of two words: CharArray and Reader. The CharArrayReader class is used to read character array as a reader (stream). It inherits Reader class.
Java CharArrayReader class declaration
Let’s see the declaration for Java.io.CharArrayReader class:
Java CharArrayReader class methods
Method | Description |
int read() | It is used to read a single character |
int read(char[] b, int off, int len) | It is used to read characters into the portion of an array. |
boolean ready() | It is used to tell whether the stream is ready to read. |
boolean markSupported() | It is used to tell whether the stream supports mark() operation. |
long skip(long n) | It is used to skip the character in the input stream. |
void mark(int readAheadLimit) | It is used to mark the present position in the stream. |
void reset() | It is used to reset the stream to a most recent mark. |
void close() | It is used to closes the stream. |
Example of CharArrayReader Class:
Let’s see the simple example to read a character using Java CharArrayReader class.
j : 106 a : 97 v : 118 a : 97 t : 116 p : 112 o : 111 i : 105 n : 110 t : 116
Next TopicJava CharArrayWriter Class