Java FileInputStream Class
Java FileInputStream class obtains input bytes from a file. It is used for reading byte-oriented data (streams of raw bytes) such as image data, audio, video etc. You can also read character-stream data. But, for reading streams of characters, it is recommended to use FileReader class.
Java FileInputStream class declaration
Let’s see the declaration for java.io.FileInputStream class:
Java FileInputStream class methods
Method | Description |
int available() | It is used to return the estimated number of bytes that can be read from the input stream. |
int read() | It is used to read the byte of data from the input stream. |
int read(byte[] b) | It is used to read up to b.length bytes of data from the input stream. |
int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) | It is used to read up to len bytes of data from the input stream. |
long skip(long x) | It is used to skip over and discards x bytes of data from the input stream. |
FileChannel getChannel() | It is used to return the unique FileChannel object associated with the file input stream. |
FileDescriptor getFD() | It is used to return the FileDescriptor object. |
protected void finalize() | It is used to ensure that the close method is call when there is no more reference to the file input stream. |
void close() | It is used to closes the stream. |
Java FileInputStream example 1: read single character
Note: Before running the code, a text file named as “testout.txt” is required to be created. In this file, we are having following content:
Welcome to Tutor Aspire.
After executing the above program, you will get a single character from the file which is 87 (in byte form). To see the text, you need to convert it into character.
Java FileInputStream example 2: read all characters
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