Home » Java String equals() method

Java String equals() method

by Online Tutorials Library

Java String equals()

The Java String class equals() method compares the two given strings based on the content of the string. If any character is not matched, it returns false. If all characters are matched, it returns true.

The String equals() method overrides the equals() method of the Object class.



anotherObject : another object, i.e., compared with this string.


true if characters of both strings are equal otherwise false.

Internal implementation

Java String equals() Method Example

FileName: EqualsExample.java

Test it Now


true  false  false  

Java String equals() Method Example 2

The equals() method compares two strings and can be used in if-else control structure.

FileName: EqualsExample2.java


true  both strings are unequal  

Java String equals() Method Example 3

Let’s see one more example to test the equality of string present in the list.

FileName: EqualsExample3.java


Mukesh is present  

Java String equals() Method Example 4

The internal implementation of the equals() method shows that one can pass the reference of any object in the parameter of the method. The following example shows the same.

FileName: EqualsExample4.java


false  false  false  false  true  true  true  true  

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