Home » JavaFX SepiaTone Effect

JavaFX SepiaTone Effect

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JavaFX SepiaTone Effect

SepiaTone Effect basically change the tone of the image to the reddish brown color. In JavaFX, the class javafx.scene.effect.SepiaTone represents SepiaTone effect. We just need to instantiate this class in order to generate an appropriate effect.


The properties of the class along with the setter methods are described in the following table.

Property Description Setter Methods
input This is a Effect (Object) type property. It represents the input for this effect. setInput(Effect value)
level This is a double type property. It represents level value which control the intensity of the sepia effect. setLevel(Double value)


The class contains two constructors

  1. public Sepiatone() : creates a new instance with default parameters
  2. public Sepiatone(double level) : Creates a new instance with a specified level value.


JavaFX SepiaTone Effect

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