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JavaFX Text

In some of the cases, we need to provide the text based information on the interface of our application. JavaFX library provides a class named javafx.scene.text.Text for this purpose. This class provides various methods to alter various properties of the text. We just need to instantiate this class to implement text in our application.


The properties of JavaFX Text are described in the table below.

Property Description Setter Methods
boundstype This property is of object type. It determines the way in which the bounds of the text is being calculated. setBoundsType(TextBoundsType value)
font Font of the text. setFont(Font value)
fontsmoothingType Defines the requested smoothing type for the font. setFontSmoothingType(FontSmoothingType value)
linespacing Vertical space in pixels between the lines. It is double type property. setLineSpacing(double spacing)
strikethrough This is a boolean type property. We can put a line through the text by setting this property to true. setStrikeThrough(boolean value)
textalignment Horizontal Text alignment setTextAlignment(TextAlignment value)
textorigin Origin of text coordinate system in local coordinate system. setTextOrigin(VPos value)
text It is a string type property. It defines the text string which is to be displayed. setText(String value)
underline It is a boolean type property. We can underline the text by setting this property to true. setUnderLine(boolean value)
wrappingwidth Width limit for the text from where the text is to be wrapped. It is a double type property. setWrappingWidth(double value)
x X coordinate of the text setX(double value)
y Y coordinate of the text setY(double value)

Creating a text node

The class javafx.scene.text.Text needs to be instantiated in order to create the text node. Use the setter method setText(string) to set the string as a text for the text class object. Follow the syntax given below to instantiate the Text class.


The following example illustrates the Text class. Here, we are not setting the positions for the text therefore the text will be displayed to the centre of the screen.

JavaFX Text

Font and position of the Text

JavaFX enables us to apply various fonts to the text nodes. We just need to set the property font of the Text class by using the setter method setFont(). This method accepts the object of Font class. The class Font belongs the package javafx.scene.text. It contains a static method named font(). This returns an object of Font type which will be passed as an argument into the setFont() method of Text class. The method Font.font() accepts the following parameters.

  1. Family: it represents the family of the font. It is of string type and should be an appropriate font family present in the system.
  2. Weight: this Font class property is for the weight of the font. There are 9 values which can be used as the font weight. The values are FontWeight.BLACK, BOLD, EXTRA_BOLD, EXTRA_LIGHT, LIGHT, MEDIUM, NORMAL, SEMI_BOLD, THIN.
  3. Posture: this Font class property represents the posture of the font. It can be either FontPosture.ITALIC or FontPosture.REGULAR.
  4. Size: this is a double type property. It is used to set the size of the font.

The Syntax of the method setFont() is given below.


JavaFX Text 2

Applying Stroke and Color to Text

Stroke means the padding at the boundary of the text. JavaFX allows us to apply stroke and colors to the text. javafx.scene.text.Text class provides a method named setStroke() which accepts the Paint class object as an argument. Just pass the color which will be painted on the stroke. We can also set the width of the stroke by passing a width value of double type into setStrokeWidth() method. To set the color of the Text, javafx.scene.text.Text class provides another method named setFill(). We just need to pass the color which is to be filled in the text.


The following example illustrates the functions of above mentioned methods.

JavaFX Text 3

Applying Decorations to the text

We can apply the decorations to the text by setting the properties strikethrough and underline of javafx.scene.text.Text class. The syntax of both the methods is given below.

We can also apply JavaFX Effects to the Text class objects. We will discuss JavaFX effects in the upcoming chapters.


JavaFX Text 4

Next TopicJavaFX Effects

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