Home » JavaScript Reflect getOwnPropertyDescriptor() Method

JavaScript Reflect getOwnPropertyDescriptor() Method

by Online Tutorials Library

JavaScript Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() Method

The static Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() method is used to retrieve the descriptor of an object’s property. It is same as the Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor method.



Obj: It is the target object in which to look for the property.

Key: It is the name of the property to get an own property descriptor for.

Return value:

It returns the property descriptor object if the property exists in the given target object. Otherwise, it returns undefined.


A TypeError, if the target is not an Object.

Browser Support:

Chrome 49
Edge 12
Firefox 42
Opera 36

Example 1


undefined   true  

Example 2


234  Undefined  true  true  

Example 3


42  undefined  true   
Next TopicJavaScript Reflect

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