Jenkins Automated Deployment
Jenkins provides many plugins which can be used to transfer the build files to the respective application or web server after a successful build, for example, the “Deploy to container” plugin. This plugin takes a war or ear file and then it deploys to a running remote application server at the end of a build.
To use this plugin, follow the given steps:
Step 1: Go to the manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins. Go to the Available tab and filter for “Deploy to container” plugin.
Click on Go back to the top page.
Step 2: Go to your created build project and click on the Configure option from the left-side of the panel.
Step 3: On the configuration page, scroll down and click on Add post-build action button. Select Deploy war/ear to a container option.
Step 4: In the Deploy war/ear to a container section, enter the information of the server on which the files need to be deployed.
Step 5: Click on the Save button.
Now select Build Now.
The above steps will ensure that all the required files are deployed to the container after the successful build.