Joomla – Category Management
The category manager is used to create categories that provide an optional method to organize the articles. A category may contain articles as well as other categories (known as sub-categories). You can not include several categories in a single article. First, you have to create a category, and then you can add an article in it.
Adding Category
To add a category, you need to follow the given steps:
Step 1
Log in to your Joomla account, and navigate to the “Content – Categories – Add New Category” from Joomla Taskbar. You can also access the same window by clicking on the “Categories” option from the left sidebar present on the Joomla Control Panel and then clicking on the “New” button from the toolbar.
Step 2
After following the above step, you will get the form where you need to fill all the required details. The title box is the only mandatory field to create a category successfully. The screen will look like this:
Step 3
There are many other useful tabs such as “Options, Publishing, and Permissions” present in the category creation page.
There are three fields available under options tab which are:
Layout | It is used to specify the alternative layout from the drop-down list, such as ‘Use Global, Blog or List’. |
Image | It is used to choose the image that you want to display. |
Alt Text | It is used to attach the text with the image that will help search engines to find it easily. |
In this tab, you will get the following options:
Created Date | It is used to specify the date on which the category was created. |
Created By | It is used to specify the name of the user who created the category. |
Modified Date | It is used to specify the date on which the category was modified. |
Modified By | It is used to specify the name of the user who modified the category. |
Hits | It is used to specify the total number of times the item was viewed. |
Meta Description | It is used to specify the short explanation of the contents of the web pages. |
Meta Keywords | It is used to specify the keywords related to the contents, which help to get better ranking in search engines. |
Author | It is used to specify the name of the author within the metadata. |
Robots | It is used to specify the instruction to the robots that browse the page using commands such as ‘Use Global, Index-Follow, No Index-Follow, Index-No Follow, and No Index-No Follow’. |
The ‘Permissions’ tab provides the following options:
Create | It is used to allow user groups to create the categories. |
Delete | It is used to allow user groups to delete the categories available in the extension. |
Edit | It is used to allow user groups to edit the categories available in the extension. |
Edit State | It is used to allow the user groups to change or modify the state of the categories available in the extension. |
Edit Own | It is used to allow the user groups to edit the categories which they have created previously. |
Step 4
After putting all the details, you need to click on the “Save” button to keep the changes. You can check the created category from the list present in the category manager page, as shown below:
In Joomla, you can create as many categories as required. Once you have created a category, you can create an article and attach it with a category.