JSF CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) Application
JSF provides rich tools and library for creating application. Here, we are creating a CRUD application which involves the following steps.
Setup database
1) Create a database
2) select database
3) Create table
4) View table structure
we have successfully created database and table.
Now, create a JSF project and create the following files in respective subdirectories.
This example is created in NetBean IDE 8.2. following is the project structure of this example.
// index.xhtml
// create.xhtml
// edit.xhtml
// User.java
Index Page
This is index page of the application. After running the project it populates the result from the mysql database users table.
Create Page : Add a new user record
You can add new user record in users table by using this application.
Index page after adding new record.
Update user record
Index Page before updating record.
Update Form
Index Page after updating record
Deleting record
Index page before deleting record.
Index page After deleting record