Home » JSF h:inputFile

JSF h:inputFile

by Online Tutorials Library

JSF <h:inputFile> Tag

JSF renders it as an HTML element of type file. It is used to get file as input. In HTML form, it allows a user to upload a file.



JSF H inputfile tag 1


Attribute Description
id It is an identifier for this component. This id must be unique. You can use it to access HTML element in CSS and JS file.
value It holds the current value of this component.
class CSS class name for this component.
alt It is used to set alternate name for the component.
required It indicates that the user is required to provide a submitted value for this input component.
requiredMessage If required attribute is set to true, the message description provided in the requiredMessage is display to the web page.
disabled It is used to disabled component. You can disabled it by assigning true value.
label It is used to set a localized name for this component.
lang It is used to set language for this component.
onclick It is a method which invokes JavaScript code when a user click on this component.
onselect It is a method which invokes JavaScript code when a user select this component.
rendered It is used to render this component. By default it’s value is true.
style It is used to set CSS style code to provide better user interface of this component.

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