Home » MariaDB Create Table

MariaDB Create Table

by Online Tutorials Library


In MariaDB, CREATE TABLE statement is used to create table within a selected database.


You can also specify a column_name as primary_key which must be a NOT NULL.


Create a table “Students” within “tutoraspire” database.

Mariadb Create table 1

Show tables

You can verify that whether the table is created by using SHOW TABLES command.


Mariadb Create table 2

Here you can see the created table “students”.

See the table structure:

Mariadb Create table 3

Another way to create table

Go to selected database and right click.

Mariadb Create table 4

Click on table, you will see like this:

Mariadb Create table 5

Create a table “Students”.

Mariadb Create table 6

You can add other options like:

Mariadb Create table 7

To add indexes:

Mariadb Create table 8

To add Foreign Key:

Mariadb Create table 9

Create code:

Mariadb Create table 10

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