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Neo4j CQL Operators

Neo4j CQL Operators can be categorized in following types:

  • Mathematical Operators: i.e. +, -, *, /, %, ^
  • Comparison Operators: i.e. +, <>, <, >, <=, >=
  • Boolean Operators: i.e. AND, OR, XOR, NOT
  • String Operators: i.e. +
  • List Operators: i.e. +, IN, [X], [X?..Y]
  • Regular Expression: i.e. =-
  • String matching: i.e. STARTS WITH, ENDS WITH, CONSTRAINTS

Let’s see the two most used Neo4j CQL Operators:

Boolean Operators

Following is a list of Boolean operators which are used in Neo4j CQL WHERE clause to support multiple conditions:

Index Boolean operators Description
1. AND It is a neo4j CQL keyword to support AND operation. It is like SQL AND operator.
2. OR It is a Neo4j CQL keyword to support OR operation. It is like SQL AND operator.
3. NOT It is a Neo4j CQL keyword to support NOT operation. It is like SQL AND operator.
4. XOR It is a Neo4j CQL keyword to support XOR operation. It is like SQL AND operator.

Comparison Operators

A list of Neo4j CQL Comparison Operators used with WHERE clause:

Index Boolean operators Description
1. = It is a Neo4j CQL “equal to” operator.
2. < > It is a Neo4j CQL “not equal to” operator.
3. < It is a Neo4j CQL “less than” operator.
4. > It is a Neo4j CQL “greater than” operator.
5. <= It is a Neo4j CQL “less than or equal to” operator.
6. > = It is a Neo4j CQL”greater than or equal to” operator.

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