What is the full form of PCO
PCO: Public Call Office
PCO stands for Public Call Office. It is referred to a place in the public area which provides a telephone facility. It was very required and efficient medium for affordable communication before the telecom revolution. Now a day, everybody have a cell phone, even a smart phone also, but it was not common sometimes ago. At that time, PCO provides an affordable communication platform at places where it is needed.
- It provides a platform to communicate with your relatives who are out of station/ abroad.
- Easy, Convenient and Cheaper.
- Maintain Privacy of Users (They have special cabins for calling).
In India, there are a lot of PCO booths providing a facility to make a call by inserting one rupee coin. BSNL is one of the biggest service providers of PCO. But now, a lot of private telecom companies like Reliance, Tata, Idea, Vodafone, Airtel are also entering in this field.
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