PrimeFaces Slider
It is a text input with slider. It is used to get user input with the help of slider. It allows us to increment and decrement input by using slider. The <p:slider> component is used to create slider input text. It also has various attributes that are tabled below.
Slider Attributes
Attribute | Default value | Type | Description |
minValue | 0 | Integer | It is used to set minimum value of the slider. |
maxValue | 100 | Integer | It is used to set maximum value of the slider. |
style | null | String | It is used to set inline CSS of the container element. |
animate | true | Boolean | It takes boolean value to set enable or disable of the animate feature. |
type | horizontal | String | It is used to set type of slider. Whether it is horizontal or vertical. |
step | 1 | Integer | It is used to set steps for the slider. |
disabled | 0 | Boolean | It is used to disable slider. It takes boolean value. |
onSlideStart | null | String | It is used to call client script on slider start event. |
onSlideEnd | null | String | It executes client script on slide end. |
range | false | Boolean | It is used to provide range. |
displayTemplate | null | String | It is a string template. |
Here, in the following example, we are implementing <p:slider> component. This example contains the following files.
JSF File
// slider.xhtml
// Slider.java
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