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Procrastination Meaning

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Procrastination Meaning

Procrastination means an act of delaying, postponing the work, putting off habitually or intentionally. The word procrastination has origin from the Latin word procrastinates, which is further divided into two prefixes, i.e., “Pro,” which means forward, and “crastinus,” which means tomorrow. Examples of Procrastination; Because of your Procrastination, you were unable to submit your assignment on time, don’t procrastinate! This problem needs your immediate attention.

Definition of Procrastination

Procrastination is the act of delaying or delaying an undertaking or set of assignments. So, whether you refer to it as procrastination or akrasia or something different, it is the power that keeps you from finishing what you set off to do.

Types of Procrastination

Procrastination can be of following three types;

  • Chronic Procrastination: As per Psychology Today, 20% of people are in chronic procrastination. These people put things off in many parts of their lives. It doesn’t just work for making dishes; it is every part of your life.
  • Rush Seeking Procrastination: Then, at that point, there is thrill-chasing Procrastination. These individuals put things off because they think they work better with or without stress for a second.
  • Avoidant Procrastination: Anyone who engages in separation procrastination is what most people associate with the term “procrastinate”. The person who says they will do the dishes a second time or the person who stops doing the laundry because they don’t feel like they need to do it all right now. The isolation procrastinator doesn’t want to engage in their task because they are overwhelmed and find it hard to begin. They don’t start cleaning their rooms and paying their bills. Avoiding responsibility is not a good idea. The more you prevent, the more it is going to happen to avoid something. The most proactive thing to do is to take a small step. When you start an activity, it feels less overwhelming.

Common causes of procrastination

  • Demographics
  • Personality traits
  • The task at hand
  • Irrational beliefs

Tips for overcoming procrastination

  • Mindfulness:Identify the reasons that make you linger, your propensities and contemplations that lead to delaying.
  • Viewpoint:Change your perspective; seeing a big task as small pieces make it less intimidating. See what’s appealing or what you want to get out of the assignment beyond just the grades.
  • Submit: If you feel stuck, start just by resolving to finish a little job, an assignment and record it. Finish it and award yourself. Record on your timetable or schedule just what you can focus on, and if you record it, finish regardless.
  • Environmental elements:Refrain from setting yourself up in situations where you don’t accomplish much, for example, in your bed, at a restaurant, or with peers.
  • Objectives:Focus on what you need to do, not what you need to stay away from. Consider the useful purposes behind doing an assignment by setting positive, concrete, significant learning and accomplishment objectives for yourself.
  • Be Realistic:Don’t undermine yourself by having unreasonable assumptions that you can’t meet.
  • Self-talk:It means noticing that how you are thinking and talking with yourself. Talk with yourself in manners that help you remember your objectives and replace old hostile habits of self-talk. Instead of saying I wish I didn’t say I will”.
  • Un-plan: Create a largely unstructured, adaptable timetable in which you only do what is important. Monitor any time you spend working towards your objectives and reward yourself for it. It can reduce sensations of being overpowered and increase satisfaction in what you can do.

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