Occasionally you may be interested in recoding certain values in a dataframe in R. Fortunately this can easily be done using the recode() function from the dplyr package.
This tutorial shows several examples of how to use this function in practice.
Example 1: Recode a Single Column in a Dataframe
The following code shows how to recode a single column in a dataframe:
library(dplyr) #create dataframe df #view dataframe df #change 'Win' and 'Loss' to '1' and '0' df %>% mutate(result=recode(result, 'Win'='1', 'Loss'='0')) player points result 1 A 24 1 2 B 29 0 3 C 13 1 4 D 15 0
Example 2: Recode a Single Column in a Dataframe and Provide NA Values
The following code shows how to recode a single column in a dataframe and give a value of NA to any value that is not explicitly given a new value:
library(dplyr) #create dataframe df #view dataframe df #change 'Win' to '1' and give all other values a value of NA df %>% mutate(result=recode(result, 'Win'='1', .default=NA_character_)) player points result 1 A 24 1 2 B 293 C 13 1 4 D 15
Example 3: Recode Multiple Columns in a Dataframe
The following code shows how to recode multiple columns at once in a dataframe:
library(dplyr) #create dataframe df #recode 'player' and 'result' columns df %>% mutate(player=recode(player, 'A'='Z'), result=recode(result, 'Win'='1', 'Loss'='0')) player points result 1 Z 24 1 2 B 29 0 3 C 13 1 4 D 15 0
You can find the complete documentation for the recode() function here.