I worked with a client who uses the Shipstation plugin. After updating to the latest version of WooCommerce (2.2), the plugin stopped working and its tab under “settings” could not be clicked. On top, some of the dropdowns got broken. Here’s the fix, hoping that Shipstation updates the plugin asap.
Fix 1: make Shipstation tab clickable in WooCommerce 2.2
// Look for "woocommerce" and change it to "wc-settings" in the function below function tab() { $class = 'nav-tab'; if ( $this->current_tab == 'woo_ss' ) $class .= ' nav-tab-active'; echo 'ShipStation'; }
Fix 2: fix the Shipstation “import” dropdown in WooCommerce 2.2
// Look for "options > array" and instead of the current value enter order statuses manually 'name' => __( 'Order Status to move it to when the shipnotify action is presented', $this->domain ), 'desc' => '', 'tip' => '', 'id' => 'woo_ss_import_status', 'css' => '', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array ( "Pending" => "Pending", "Processing" => "Processing", "Cancelled" => "Cancelled", "Refunded" => "Refunded", "Failed" => "Failed" )