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Ripple effect JavaScript

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Ripple effect JavaScript

In this article, we will explain about the javaScript and the ripple effect. After that, we will learn the various practical examples of ripple effects with the help of JavaScript.

What do you mean by JavaScript?

JavaScript is a client-side high-level, interpreted programming and scripting language used to make web pages more interactive. It enables you to implement complex and beautiful designs on web pages.

What do you mean by ripple effect JavaScript?

In JavaScript, the ripple effect provides an immediate visual confirmation at the point of contact when the users interact with UI elements. The interaction is commonly an action that you want your visitors to take.

Various examples of the ripple effect with the help of JavaScript.

Example 1:


In the above example, we have created a water ripple effect with the help of JavaScript. When we hover on the image, the water ripple effect is shown.

Following is the output of this example:

Ripple effect JavaScript

Example 2:


In the above example, we have created a water ripple effect on the button with the help of JavaScript. When we hover on the button, the ripple effect is shown.

Following is the output of this example:

Ripple effect JavaScript

Example 3:


In the above example, we have created a water ripple effect with the help of JavaScript. When we hover on the image, the ripple effect is shown.

Following is the output of this example:

Ripple effect JavaScript

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