Struts 2 modelDriven interceptor example
The modelDriven interceptor makes other model object as the default object of valuestack.
Bydefault, action object is the default object of valuestack.
To use the modelDriven interceptor, you need to implement ModelDriven interface in your action class and override its method getModel().
It is found in the default stack bydefault. So you don’t need to specify it explicitely.
Parameters of modelDriven interceptor
There is no parameter defined for modelDriven interceptor.
Example of modelDriven interceptor
Full example of modelDriven interceptor
Let’s see the full example of modelDriven interceptor.
File: index.jsp
File: struts.xml
File: Login.java
File: User.java
File: login-success.jsp
File: login-error.jsp
If you don’t implement the ModelDriven interface, you need to use user.name and user.password field names in index.jsp file otherwise given value will not be set.