Swift Syntax
Comments in Swift
Comments are used in programs to make them clearly understandable. They are like helping texts in programs and ignored by compiler. In Swift 4, single line comments are written using // at the beginning of the comment.
Single line comment in Swift 4:
Multi-line comment is Swift 4:
Multi-line comments start with /* and end with the characters */ as shown below –
Multi-line comments can be nested in Swift 4. i.e.
Semicolons in Swift
In Swift 4, you don’t need to type a semicolon (;) in your code as a closing statement. Though, it is optional, you can use it without any problem. If you are using multiple statements in the same line, then you have to use a semicolon as a delimiter, otherwise the compiler will raise a syntax error.
For example,
Without using semicolon:
Identifiers in Swift
In Swift 4, identifiers are used to identify a variable, function, or any other user-defined item. Swift 4 identifiers start with an alphabet A to Z or a to z or an underscore _ followed by zero or more letters, underscores, and digits (0 to 9).
In Swift 4, we can’t use special characters such as @, $, and % within identifiers. Swift 4 is a case sensitive programming language, so Literal and literal are two different identifiers.
These are some example of acceptable identifiers:
If you want to use a reserved word as an identifier you will have to put a backtick (`) before and after that reserved word. For example, class is not a valid identifier, but `class` is valid.
Reserved Keywords in Swift
In Swift 4, the reserved keywords can’t be used as constants or variables or any other identifier names. If you want to use them as identifiers, you will use them within backticks (‘).
Keywords used in declarations
Class | Func | Let | public |
deinit | Enum | extension | import |
Init | internal | operator | private |
protocol | static | struct | subscript |
typealias | var |
Keywords used in Statements
break | case | continue | default |
do | else | fallthrough | for |
if | in | return | switch |
where | while |
Keywords used in expressions and types
as | dynamicType | false | is |
nil | self | Self | super |
true | _COLUMN_ | _FILE_ | _FUNCTION_ |
_LINE_ |
Keywords used in particular contexts
associativity | convenience | dynamic | didSet |
final | get | infix | inout |
lazy | left | mutating | none |
nonmutating | optional | override | postfix |
precedence | prefix | Protocol | required |
right | set | Type | unowned |
weak | willSet |
Whitespaces in Swift
In Swift 4, whitespace is used to describe blanks, tabs, newline characters, and comments. It separates one part of the statement from another. It makes the computer to identify that here one element ends and another begins.
For example
We have to put at least one whitespace character (usually a space) between var and age to make compiler to distinguish them.
On the other hand, in the following statement –
No whitespace character is necessary between courses and =, or between = and html, although you can include them for better readability.
You should make the equal space on both side of the operator.
For example
The Swift 4 compiler ignores blank line which contains only whitespace.
Literals in Swift
A literal is used to represent the source code of a value of an integer, floating-point number, or string type.
For example
Integer literal
Floating-point literal
Print Statement in Swift
In Swift4, the ‘print’ keyword is used to print anything. There are three different properties of print keyword.
- Items: Items that you want to print.
- Separator: Used to separate items.
- Terminator: It specifies the last value where the line ends.
For example
The first print statement adds n , newline Feed as terminator by default, where as in second print statement we’ve given ” End ” as terminator, hence it’ll print “End ” instead of n.
We can use custom separator and terminators according to our requirement.