Backbone.js model.url() The Backbone.js url model is used for the instance of the model and returns url where model’s resource is located.…
Backbone.js model.urlRoot() The Backbone.js urlRoot model is used to enable the url function by using the model id to generate the URL.…
Backbone.js model.toJSON() The Backbone.js toJSON model returns copy of the attributes as an object for JSON stringification. Syntax: model.toJSON(options) Parameter explanation: options:…
Backbone.sync() Backbone.sync is a function that is called every time when Backbone.js tries to read or save a model to the server.…
Backbone.js Event trigger() The Backbone.js event trigger method evokes the callback functions for the given events. Syntax: object.trigger(event,[args]) Parameter explanation: event: It…
Backbone.js view.attributes() The Backbone.js attributes method specifies a hash of attributes that contains HTML DOM element attributes on the view’s el (id,…
Backbone.js delegateEvents() The Backbone.js delegateEvents method is used to bind the elements to the specified DOM with callback methods to handle events.…
Backbone.js Event listenToOnce() Backbone.js Event listenToOnce method is same as listenTo event but the only difference that causes the listen to occur…
Backbone.js View.extend() The Backbone.js view extend method is used to extend the Backbone.js view class to create a custom view. Syntax: Backbone.View.extend(properties,…
Backbone.js View Constructor / Initialize The Backbone.js view Constructor is called when the view is first created. It initializes the view. It…