C++ Vector pop_back() It deletes the last element and reduces the size of the vector by one. Syntax Consider a vector v.Syntax…
C++ Vector end() This function returns an iterator referring to the past-last-element in the vector container. Syntax Consider a vector v. Syntax…
Java StringBuffer deleteCharAt(int index) method The deleteCharAt(int index) method of Java StringBuffer class is used to delete the character at a specified…
Java Vector capacity() Method The capacity() method of Java Vector class is used to get the current capacity of the vector which…
Java Vector replaceAll() Method The replaceAll() method of Java Vector class is used to replace each element of the list with the…
Java Vector set() Method The set() method of Java Vector class is used to replace the element at the specified position in…
Java Vector add() Method The add() is a Java Vector class method which is used to insert the specified element in the…
Java Vector setElementAt() Method The setElementAt() method of Java Vector class is used to replace the component at the specified index of…
Java Vector addElement() Method The addElement() method of Java Vector class is used to add the specified element to the end of…
C++ Vector size() It determines the number of elements in the vector. Syntax Consider a vector ‘v’ and number of elements ‘n’.…