Scatter/Gather or Vectored I/O In Java NIO the channel provides an important capability known as scatter/gather or vectored I/O. It is a…
Java NIO Charset The concept of charset is introduced in JDK 1.4 using the package java.nio.charset.Charset. It plays an important role in…
Java NIO Pipe A Java NIO Pipe is used for establishing the one-way data connection between two threads. It has a sink…
Java NIO Selector In Java NIO the selector is a multiplexor of selectable channels, which is used as a special type of…
Data Transfer between Channels In Java NIO we can directly transfer the data from one channel to another very frequently. The transfer…
Encode and Decode in Java NIO Using Java NIO API encode and decode operation can be perform from one Charset to another…
FileLock in Java NIO Channels FileLock locks or tries to lock the given part of the file. It belongs to the package…
Java NIO Buffers Buffers are defined inside java.nio package. It defines the core functionality which is common to all buffers: limit, capacity…
Java NIO Channels In Java NIO, the channel is a medium used to transports the data efficiently between the entity and byte…
Java NIO ServerSocketChannel The Java NIO ServerSocketChannel is also used for connecting a channel with a TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) network socket.…