Phalcon Installation We need to install WAMP/MAMP/LAMP/XAMP according to your operating system. Below the installation is based on WAMP (Windows Apache MySQL…
Phalcon Internationalization Phalcon is written in C as an extension for PHP. There is a PECL (PHP Extension Community Library) extension that…
Phalcon Tutorial Phalcon Tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of Phalcon . Our Phalcon Tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals both.…
Phalcon Views View represents the front-end of the application. It consists of HTML files embedded inside PHP code which creates the view…
VOLT: Template Engine Volt provides Phalcon fast execution as it is very fast and designer friendly templating language written in C for…
What is Phalcon Phalcon is developed by group of developers where Andres Gutierrez was their team head. Phalcon is an open-source framework…
Phalcon First Example Bootstrap To create any app in phalcon, firstly you have to create a bootstrap file. Bootstrap file acts as…
Phalcon Transactions and Nested Transactions Transaction is supported in Phalcon as it is attached with PDO. To increase the performance of the…
Phalcon Forms It handles creation and maintenance of forms in the web application. Now, as we have designed a basic web-app before…
Phalcon Image This component allows developers to manipulate image files. We can perform multiple operation on a single image file. Adapters Adapter…