Swift While and Repeat While Loop While and Repeat while loops are used as an alternative of for-in loops when the number…
control statement
Escaping and Non-Escaping Closures in Swift In swift, closures can be defined as the self-contained block of code that can be passed…
Swift if-else-if Statement The if-else-if statement is used when you want to execute one block of code among many. Syntax: if expression1…
Swift Recursion A function that calls itself repeatedly is known as recursive function and this technique is called recursion. When you create…
Swift if-else Statement The Swift if-else statement contains two statements: if statement and else statement. If the test evaluation is true, the…
Repeat While loop The Repeat While loop is same as while loop but a difference that the body of repeat…while loop is…
Swift If Statement The if statement is a control flow statement which is used when we want to perform different actions according…
Inheritance in Swift In Swift programming language, a class can inherit properties, methods and other characteristics from another class. Inheriting these properties…
Swift Strings Swift 4 strings are ordered collection of characters, such as “Hello, World!” and they are represented by the Swift 4…
Swift4 Initialization Swift Classes, structures and enumerations are used for preparing instance of a class once declared in Swift4. Initial value is…