History of Cassandra Cassandra was initially developed at Facebook by two Indians Avinash Lakshman (one of the authors of Amazon’s Dynamo) and…
Cassandra Alter Keyspace The “ALTER keyspace” command is used to alter the replication factor, strategy name and durable writes properties in created…
Cassandra Alter Table ALTER TABLE command is used to alter the table after creating it. You can use the ALTER command to…
Cassandra Truncate Table TRUNCATE command is used to truncate a table. If you truncate a table, all the rows of the table…
Cassandra Architecture Cassandra was designed to handle big data workloads across multiple nodes without a single point of failure. It has a…
Cassandra Batch In Cassandra BATCH is used to execute multiple modification statements (insert, update, delete) simultaneously. It is very useful when you…
Cassandra Collections Cassandra collections are used to handle tasks. You can store multiple elements in collection. There are three types of collection…
Cassandra Data Types Cassandra supports different types of data types. Let?s see the different data types in the following table: CQL Type…
Cassandra CQLsh Cassandra CQLsh stands for Cassandra CQL shell. CQLsh specifies how to use Cassandra commands. After installation, Cassandra provides a prompt…
Cassandra Create Index CREATE INDEX command is used to create an index on the column specified by the user. If the data…