Kotlin Hello World App Let?s develop a first hello word application on Android studio using Kotlin programming language. To develop android application…
Kotlin Android Web Service – Volley Library Registration, Log-in, and Log-out Tutorial In this tutorial, we will create the basic user registration…
Kotlin Android ListView Android ListView is a view component that contains the list of items and is displayed in a scrollable list.…
Kotlin Android WebView Android WebView is a view component which displays the web pages in the application. It uses a WebKit engine…
Kotlin Android XML Parsing using DOM Parser XML document is commonly used to share the data on the internet. The data provided…
Android Notification Android Notification provides short, timely information about the action happened in the application, even it is not running. The notification…
Kotlin Android XML Parsing using SAX Parser XML document is commonly used to share the data on the internet. The data provided…
Kotlin Android Options Menu Android Options Menu is the collection of menu items for an activity. Options menu allows placing actions that…
Kotlin Android XMLPullParser Tutorial XML document is commonly used to share the data on the internet. The data provided in XML format…
Kotlin Android Context Menu Android Context Menu is a floating menu which appears when a user performs a long-click on an element.…