R Matrix In R, a two-dimensional rectangular data set is known as a matrix. A matrix is created with the help of…
exception handling
R Vector A vector is a basic data structure which plays an important role in R programming. In R, a sequence of…
R Bar Charts A bar chart is a pictorial representation in which numerical values of variables are represented by length or height…
R Excel file The xlsx is a file extension of a spreadsheet file format which was created by Microsoft to work with…
R-Multiple Linear Regression Multiple linear regression is the extension of the simple linear regression, which is used to predict the outcome variable…
R Binary File A binary file is a file which contains information present only in the form of bits and bytes(0’s and…
R next Statement The next statement is used to skip any remaining statements in the loop and continue executing. In simple words,…
R while loop A while loop is a type of control flow statements which is used to iterate a block of code…
R For Loop A for loop is the most popular control flow statement. A for loop is used to iterate a vector.…
R Normal Distribution In random collections of data from independent sources, it is commonly seen that the distribution of data is normal.…