Java Executor class Factory and utility methods for Executor, ExecutorService, ScheduledExecutorService, ThreadFactory, and Callable classes defined in this package. This class supports…
Java Executor privilegedThreadFactory() Method The privilegedThreadFactory() method of Executors class returns a thread factory used to create new threads that have the…
Java Executors Callable() Method The Callable() method of Executors class returns a Callable object that, when called, runs the given task and…
Java Executors defaultThreadFactory() Method The defaultThreadFactory() method of Executors class returns a default thread factory used to create new threads. This factory…
Java Executors newCachedThreadPool() Method The newCachedThreadPool() method of Executors class creates a thread pool that creates new threads as needed but will…
Java Executors newFixedThreadPool() Method The newFixedThreadPool() method of Executors class creates a thread pool that reuses a fixed number of threads operating…
Java Executors newScheduledThreadPool() Method The newScheduledThreadPool() method of Executors class creates a thread pool that can schedule commands to run after a…
Java Executors newSingleThreadExecutor() Method The newSingleThreadExecutor() method of Executors class creates an Executor that uses a single worker thread operating off an…
Java Executor newWorkStealingPool() Method The newWorkStealingPool() method of Executors class creates a work-stealing thread pool using the number of available processors as…