C++ Algorithm stable_sort() C++ Algorithm stable_sort() function is used to sort the elements in the range [first, last) into ascending order like…
C++ Algorithm Function find() C++ Algorithm find() function specifies a value in the argument list, a search for that value is made…
C++ Algorithm iter_swap() C++ Algorithm iter_swap() exchanges the elements pointed to by two iterators a and b. Syntax template <class ForwardIterator1, class…
C++ Algorithm nth_element() C++ Algorithm nth_element() function is used to sort the elements between the first and nth element in ascending order…
C++ Algorithm replace_if() C++ Algorithm replace_if() function is used to assign new_value to all the elements in the range [first, last) for…
C++ Algorithm Functions swap() C++ Algorithm swap() function swaps or say interchanges the values of two containers under reference. Syntax template<class T>…
C++ Algorithm Function find_end () C++ Algorithm find_end()function searches for the last occurrence of a pattern in the container, or say the…
C++ Algorithm lexicographical_compare () C++ Algorithm lexicographical_compare () function is used to check if the first range [first1, last1) is lexicographically less…
C++ Algorithm partial_sort() C++ Algorithm partial_sort() function is used to rearrange the elements in the range[first, last), in such a way that…
C++ Algorithm reverse() C++ Algorithm reverse() function is used to reverse the order of the elements within a range [first, last). Syntax…