C++ Algorithm generate_n() C++ Algorithm generate_n() function is used to assign the values which is generated by a function object to a…
C++ Algorithm min() C++ Algorithm min() function can be used in following 3 ways: It compares the two values passed in its…
C++ Algorithm prev_permutation () C++ Algorithm prev_permutation() function is used to reorder the elements in the range [first, last) into the previous…
C++ Algorithm set_difference() C++ Algorithm set_difference() function is used to find the difference of two sorted ranges[first1, last1) and [first2, last2), which…
C++ Algorithm Function copy_if() C++ Algorithm copy_if() function is used to copy the elements of the container [first,last] into a different container…
C++ Algorithm includes() C++ Algorithm includes() function returns true if every element from the sorted range [first2, last2) is found within the…
C++ Algorithm min_element() C++ Algorithm min_element() returns an iterator pointing to the element with the smallest value in the range [first, last).…
C++ Algorithm random_shuffle() C++ Algorithm random_shuffle() reorders the elements of a range by putting them at random places. The first version uses…
C++ Algorithm set_intersection() C++ Algorithm set_intersection() function is used to find the intersection of two sorted ranges[first1, last1) and [first2, last2), which…
C++ Algorithm Functions copy_n() C++ Algorithm copy_n() function specifies the number of elements to be copied into the new container. The function…