Java Array newInstance() Method The getInstance() method of Array class is used to create a new array with the specified component type…
Java Array set() Method The set() method of Array class returns the value of the indexed component in the specified array object,…
Java Array getInt() Method The getInt() method of Array class returns the value of the indexed component in the specified array object,…
Java Boolean class The Boolean class wraps a value of the primitive type boolean in an object. Its object contains only a…
Java Boolean toString() Method The toString() method of Java Boolean class returns a String illustration of this Boolean. If the defined object…
Java Boolean valueOf() Method The valueof() method of Java Boolean class returns a Boolean instance corresponding to the defined Boolean or to…
Java Boolean booleanValue() method The booleanValue() method of Java Boolean class returns the primitive Boolean value of this Boolean object. Syntax: public…
Java Boolean compare() method The compare() method of Java Boolean class compares the two Boolean values (x and y) and returns an…
Java Boolean compareTo() method The compareTo() method of Java Boolean class compares the Boolean instance with the Boolean argument and returns an…
Java Boolean equals() method The equals() method of Java Boolean class returns a Boolean value. It returns true if the argument is…