Java Thread setName() method The setName() method of thread class is used to change the name of the thread. Syntax public final…
Java Thread getThreadGroup() method The getThreadGroup() method of thread class is used to return the thread’s thread group to which this thread…
Java Thread interrupt() method The interrupt() method of thread class is used to interrupt the thread. If any thread is in sleeping…
Java Thread dumpStack() method The dumpStack() method of thread class prints a stack trace of the current thread to the standard error…
Java ThreadGroup list() method The list() method of ThreadGroup class is used to display the information about the thread group. It is…
Java ThreadGroup parentOf() method The parentOf() method of ThreadGroup class tests if the thread group is either the argument of thread group…
Java Thread resume() method The resume() method of thread class is only used with suspend() method. This method is used to resume…
Java Thread getId() method The getId() method is used to return the thread identifier. The thread ID is a unique positive number…
Java Thread run() method The run() method of thread class is called if the thread was constructed using a separate Runnable object…
Java Thread getName() method The getName() method of thread class is used to return the name of thread. Syntax public final String…