Polymer CLI Commands Following are some CLI commands that are used with both element and app projects. Run tests To run test…
Gold Elements
Polymer Google Hangout Button Google hangout element is an element of Google web components which is used to make conversation with other…
Polymer Iron Swipable Container The iron-swipable-container is used to swap its nested children i.e. custom or native elements. The default transition is…
Polymer Platinum Bluetooth The polymer platinum Bluetooth element is used to interact with nearby Bluetooth devices. Run the following command to use…
Polymer Neon Element The Polymer neon animation element is used to implement animation transition to polymer elements by using web animations Run…
Polymer Platinum Elements The Polymer platinum elements are used to add features such as pushing notifications, offline usage, communicating with nearby bluetooth…
Polymer Google Signin The Polymer Google signin element is used for Google authentication to interact with drive and Google+ APIs. Note: You…
Paper Badge The paper-badge is a circular text badge which is used to represent a status or notification. It is positioned at…
Polymer Platinum Push Messaging In Polymer.js, Platinum push messaging is Next TopicCustom Elements
Polymer Google Streetview Pano The Google streetview pano element is used to display a streetview panorama. Example <google-streetview-pano pano-id = “CWskcsTEZBNXaD8gG-zATA” heading…