What is HIVE Hive is a data warehouse system which is used to analyze structured data. It is built on the top…
Sqoop Tutorial Sqoop tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of Sqoop. Our Sqoop tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals. Sqoop is…
HIVE Data Types Hive data types are categorized in numeric types, string types, misc types, and complex types. A list of Hive…
What is Apache Pig Apache Pig is a high-level data flow platform for executing MapReduce programs of Hadoop. The language used for…
Starting Sqoop Sqoop is a command line tool with following structure sqoop TOOL PROPERTY_ARGS SQOOP_ARGS [– EXTRA_ARGS] TOOL indicates the operation eg:…
Hive – Drop Database In this section, we will see various ways to drop the existing database. Let’s check the list of…
What is Sqoop Sqoop is a command-line interface application for transferring data between relational databases and Hadoop. It supports incremental loads of…
Hive – Drop Table Hive facilitates us to drop a table by using the SQL drop table command. Let’s follow the below…
What is YARN Yet Another Resource Manager takes programming to the next level beyond Java , and makes it interactive to let…
MapReduce Tutorial MapReduce tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of MapReduce. Our MapReduce tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals. Our MapReduce…