PHP strnatcmp() Function The strnatcmp() function in-built string function of PHP. It is used to compare string by using a natural algorithm.…
PHP string str_repeat() Function The str_repeat() is predefine function of PHP. It is used to repeat a string a specified number times.…
PHP string str_rot13() function The str_rot13() is in-built PHP function. It is used to perform the ROT12 encoding on string. This function…
PHP string str_shuffle() function The str_shuffle() is in-built function of PHP. It is used to randomly shuffle all the character of a…
PHP string str_split() Function The str_split() is predefined function of PHP. It is used to convert a string to an array. If…
PHP strrchr() Function The strrchr() function in inbuilt function of PHP. It is used to find the position of the last occurrence…
PHP strrev() Function The strrev() function is predefined function of PHP. It is used to reverse a string. It is one of…
PHP strripos() Function The strripos() is predefine string function of PHP. It is used to find the position of the last occurrence…
PHP string strcmp() Function String comparison is one of the most common tasks in programming and development. strcmp() is a string comparison…
PHP stripos() Function The stripos() is predefine function of PHP. It is used to find the position of the first occurrence of…