Python String Casefold() Method Python Casefold() method returns a lowercase copy of the string. It is more simillar to lowercase method except…
Python slice() Function Python slice() function is used to get a slice of elements from the collection of elements. Python provides two…
Python String capitalize() Method Python capitalize() method converts first character of the string into uppercase without altering the whole string. It changes…
Python String isprintable() Method Python isprintable() method returns True if all characters in the string are printable or the string is empty.…
Python help() Function Python help() function is used to get help related to the object passed during the call. It takes an…
Python id() Function Python id() function returns an identity of an object. This is an integer which is guaranteed to be unique.…
Python String join() Method Python join() method is used to concat a string with iterable object. It returns a new string which…
Python String ljust() Method Python ljust() method left justify the string and fill the remaining spaces with fillchars. This method returns a…
Python String lower() Method Python lower() method returns a copy of the string after converting all the characters into lowercase. Signature lower()…
Python String lstrip() Method Python lstrip() method is used to remove all leading characters from the string. It takes a char type…