Java List sublist() Method The sublist() method of List Interface returns a view of the portion of this list between the inclusive…
Java List containsAll() Method The containsAll() method of List interface returns a Boolean value ‘true’ if this list contains all the elements…
Java List get() Method The get() method of List interface returns the element at the specified position in this list. Syntax public…
Java List hashCode() Method The hashCode() method of List interface returns the hash code value for this list. Syntax public int hashCode()…
Java StringBuffer deleteCharAt(int index) method The deleteCharAt(int index) method of Java StringBuffer class is used to delete the character at a specified…
Java String indexOf() The Java String class indexOf() method returns the position of the first occurrence of the specified character or string…
Java ArrayList removeRange() method The removeRange() method of Java ArrayList class removes all elements whose index lies between fromIndex -inclusive- and toIndex…
Java ArrayList retainAll() method The retainAll () method of Java ArrayList class keeps only elements in the original list that are contained…
Java ArrayList add method Java ArrayList add(E element) method The ArrayListadd(E element) methodof Java ArrayList classappends a new value to the end…
Java ArrayList addAll() method Java ArrayList addAll(Collection c) method The addAll (Collection c) method of Java ArrayList classappends all of the elements…