Creating a real-time chat application using Firebase In this tutorial, we will use Firebase to build a real-time chat application. The most…
ios development using swift
Managed Object Model Managed Object Model can be defined as the set of objects that are used to form a blueprint describing…
Facebook Login Integration in iOS Facebook login has become one of the most used features in recent mobile applications. It is easier…
Alamofire Library Alamofire is an HTTP network-based library which is used to handle the web request and response in iOS and MacOS.…
Firebase Crashalytics iOS Swift Firebase Crashalytics is a real-time, light-weight crash reporting tool for iOS and Android applications provided by Google. It…
Google Sign-in integration in iOS There can be various ways to login into a mobile application, for example, login with Facebook, login…
What is CoreML? Machine learning is a need of the hours in today’s tech world, and so are iOS applications. CoreML allows…
Paytm SDK Integration in iOS Paytm SDK provides a secure and seamless payment experience to the users by invoking the Paytm app…
Fetching data through Get request using Alamofire In the previous section of the tutorial, we have installed Alamofire and set it up…
Razorpay Integration in iOS Razorpay is one of the most used payment gateways, which provides a developer-friendly API and SDK for mobile…