Polymer Iron-Ajax The <iron-ajax> element is used to make Ajax calls. Syntax: <iron-ajax auto url = “https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search” params = ‘{“part”:”snippet”, “q”:”polymer”, “key”:…
Iron Elements
Polymer Iron Form The Polymer iron-form is an HTML form element which is used to validate and submit any custom element and…
Polymer iron-icon The Polymer iron-icon element is used to display a single icon. Its default icon size is 24 px. It is…
Polymer Iron-Image The <iron-image> element is used to display an image. You can display the image with the useful sizing and preload…
Polymer App Layout The app-layout elements are comprised of components such as toolbars, drawers, and headers. These are used for building high-quality,…
Polymer Google Map The polymer google map element is used to display a google map on the website. <google-map latitude = “17.77591”…
Polymer – Iron A11y Keys The <iron-a11y-keys> element is used to process keyboard commands using cross browser interface. The keys attribute indicates…
Polymer Iron-Collapse The <iron-collapse> elements are used to collapse a content. You can use opened or toggle() with <iron-collapse> element to show…
Polymer Iron Dropdown The <iron-dropdown> element is used to reveal the hidden dropdown content. The implementation of elements that uses iron-dropdown can…
Polymer Google Chart The polymer google chart is an element which contains charts used for visualizing the data.Google chart contains various charts…