Java ThreadLocalRandom current() method The current() method of Java ThreadLocalRandom class returns the current thread’s ThreadLocalRandom. It takes no parameter. Syntax: public…
java methods
Java ThreadLocalRandom doubles() method The doubles() method of Java ThreadLocalRandom class returns an effectively unlimited stream of pseudorandom double values. Each value…
Java ThreadLocalRandom ints() method The ints() method of Java ThreadLocalRandom class returns an effectively unlimited stream of pseudorandom int values. This method…
Java ThreadLocalRandom longs() method The longs() method of Java ThreadLocalRandom class returns an effectively unlimited stream of pseudorandom long values. This method…
Java ThreadLocalRandom nextDouble() method The nextDouble() method of Java ThreadLocalRandom class returns a pseudorandom double value between 0 and 1. This method…
Java ThreadLocalRandom nextInt() method The nextInt() method of Java ThreadLocalRandom class returns a pseudorandom int value. This method overrides the nextInt in…
Java Collection hashCode() Method The hashCode() method of Java Collection Interface returns the hash code value for this collection. Syntax public int…
Java Collection iterator() Method The iterator() method of Java Collection Interface returns an iterator over the elements in this collection. Syntax public…
Java Collection removeIf() Method The removeIf() method of Java Collection Interface removes the elements of this queue that satisfies the given predicate…
Java Collection size() method The size() method of Java Collection Interface returns the total count of the elements contained in this collection.…