PHP stripcslashes() Function The stripcslashes() is predefine function of PHP. It is used to remove backslashes and clean up data retrieved from…
PHP strncmp() Function The strncmp() is predefine string function of PHP. It is used to compare two strings. This function strncmp() is…
PHP strpbrk() Function The strpbrk() function is predefine string function of PHP. It is used to search a string for any of…
PHP string sha1_file() Function The sha1_file() function is predefined PHP string function. It is used to calculate the SHA-1 hash of a…
PHP string similar_text() Function The string similar_text() function is in-built PHP function. It is used to calculates the similarity between two strings…
PHP string str_getcsv() Function The str_getcsv() is in-built PHP string function. It is important function which is used to parse a CSV…
PHP strpos() Function The strops() is in-built function of PHP. It is used to find the position of the first occurrence of…
PHP string strchr() Function The string strchr() function is predefined function of PHP. It is the alias of strstr() function or can…
PHP string str_shuffle() function The str_shuffle() is in-built function of PHP. It is used to randomly shuffle all the character of a…
PHP string str_split() Function The str_split() is predefined function of PHP. It is used to convert a string to an array. If…