Java ReentrantLock getHoldCount() Method The getHoldCount() method of ReentrantLock class is used to get the number of holds on this lock by…
Java ReentrantLock getOwner() Method The getOwner() method of ReentrantLock class returns the current owner thread of the lock. It returns null if…
Java Reentrantlock getQueuedThreads()Method The getQueuedThreads() returns a collection containing threads that may be waiting to acquire this lock. Because the actual threads…
Java Reentrant getQueueLength() Method The getQueueLength() method of ReentrantLock Class returns the number of threads waiting to get the lock. The value…
Java ReentrantLock hasQueuedThread() Method The hasQueuedThread(Thread thread) method of ReentrantLock class returns true if there is some thread is waiting for the…
Java ReentrantLock hasQueuedThreads() Method The hasQueuedThreads() returns a boolean value true or false depending upon whether any threads are waiting to acquire…
Java ReentrantLock isFair() Method The isFair() method of ReentrantLock class returns true if the fairness to acquire this lock is true. Syntax…
Java ReentrantLock isHeldByCurrentThread() Method The isHeldByCurrentThread() method of ReentrantLock Class checks if the current thread occupies this lock. Syntax public boolean isHeldByCurrentThread()…
Java ReentrantLock isLocked() Method The isLocked() method of ReentrantLock class checks if any thread occupies this lock. This method is created for…
Java ReentrantLock lock() Method The lock() method of ReentrantLock class hold the lock if it is not held by another thread and…